A journey into the wild.

Shana Grace Douglas-Lloyd is a trauma informed nature immersive early childhood educator, children’s book author and creator of Mighty Oak Learning who’s passion for life is experience. Her teaching, research and studies have been and continue to be rooted in finding the intersection between learning, wellness and nature. With no claim of expertise, she is proudly a life time learner who believes it takes a healthy village to raise a healthy child. Her mission and vision is to strengthen communities through education outreach, nature immersive program development and of course — PLAY. When she’s not teaching or studying, she’s tending to her old brick abode, chickens, many cats and Husband - sharing in a life of joy and experiences together.

One thing about me is that I hate writing an about me.

I suppose that I could use AI and save myself the aggravation, however since much of my passion for teaching is rooting in the preservation of experience - even the uncomfortable experiences like writing about myself - I won’t.

Where I began and where I am today are two wildly different places yet for as long as I can remember, I look back fondly on a childhood that was rich in both experience and play, something I fear we’re losing today.

A former brand and digital marketing strategist followed by creative entrepreneurship in photography and candle making, much of life has felt “successful” while simultaneously feeling there was more for me. Living in a post pandemic, a world where having a heightened state of stress seems to be the norm, my lens has been hyper focused on the intersection of wellness, learning and nature as has my own learning and research.

This one isn’t about me - it’s about you, it’s about community and it’s about the children.

This is a blog and resources for early childhood development, play based & child led learning, nature immersive pedagogy and more. I am here to support you and share all that I teach while also learning every day. This space is for parents, caretakers, educators, organizational leaders and of course the children.

Mighty Oak Learning is a place to come with curiosity and leave with inspiration, perhaps validation and hopefully a renewed passion for EXPERIENCES that begin with a connection to the natural world.